(SCTP) WSQ Diploma in Tourism
(Events Management and Operations)

Mode of Study:

10 months, 1 day per week

Available Intakes (Part-time):
January / April / June

Course Overview

SHATEC Institutes Pte Ltd (UEN: 198301550C) is an appointed CET Centre by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) for courses supported by SkillsFuture Credits (SFC) and/or SkillsFuture Funding. The part-time WSQ Diploma in Tourism (Events Management and Operations) is a standalone qualification.

The funding support period for the WSQ Diploma in Tourism (Events Management and Operations) is 3 December 2022 to 30 September 2025.

Available Intakes

Intake Commencement Date Completion Date Course Schedule
January 15 January 2025 12 November 2025 Runs every Wednesday, 9am – 6pm
April 2 April 2025 28 January 2026
June 25 June 2025 22 April 2026

Admission Requirements

*All applicants must be at least 17 years old and above to meet the minimum entry requirement.


WSQ Advanced Certificate in Tourism (Events Management and Operations) or GCE “N” Level for fresh school leavers or 2-year experience in the Tourism (Events Management and Operations) industry


  • Interview may apply for applicants who do not meet equivalent academic qualifications or expected duration in workplace experience.
  • International applicant must have a valid work pass through the entire course.


At least one of the following proficiency levels in English:

  • Pass in 'N' Level English or equivalent

Programme Outline

  • TOU-BIN-4049-1.1 Strategy Planning-4
  • TOU-BIN-4057-1.1-1 Strategy Implementation-4
  • TOU-BIN-4074-1.1 Stakeholder Management-4
  • TOU-BIN-4105-1.1 Business Negotiation-4
  • TOU-FIN-4001-1.1 Budgeting-4
  • TOU-SNM-3042-1.1 Digital Marketing-3
  • TOU-SNM-4015-1.1 Events Planning and Management-4

Programme Competencies

This comprehensive programme focuses on developing the strong fundamental knowledge and skills required of a MICE event planner. From planning event logistics to designing and setting up a hybrid or virtual events, students will prove themselves competent for the exciting and fast-paced environment of the MICE sector.

At the end of the Diploma course, students will be able to:

  • Develop resource allocation plans and implementation of strategies and policies;
  • Evaluate strategies for critical business functions to ensure plans are realistic and reflect health of business;
  • Develop relationships, engage relevant stakeholders and facilitate alignment of stakeholders’ and project objectives;
  • Manage implementation of integrated plans for events to ensure cohesive planning;
  • Manage budgeting and forecasting for annual financial and business planning within the business unit;
  • Execute digital marketing campaigns across different marketing channels to promote online presence;
  • Conduct negotiations to establish win-win outcomes for the organisation.


Students who have successfully completed the programme will be awarded the
Diploma in Tourism (Events Management and Operations) by SkillsFuture Singapore.

Programme Fees

Course Fee Payable after SkillsFuture Funding (where applicable), inclusive of 9% GST

Singaporean below 40 years old / Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holders

Singaporeans aged 40 years old and above

Full Course Fee

Singaporeans who are eligible for
SCTP Additional Course Fee Funding Support





  • Course fee payable include essential training items.
  • Singaporeans and Singapore PRs will be eligible for up to 70% SSG (Baseline) Course Fee Grant. With effect from 1 October 2021, this training support will be extended to Long Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+) Holders. The LTVP+ scheme applies to lawful foreign spouses of Singapore Citizens (SCs) with (i) at least one SC child or are expecting one from the marriage, or at least three years of marriage, and (ii) where the SC sponsor is able to support the family. LTVP+ holders will be identified with their green visit pass cards, with the word ‘PLUS’ on the back of the card. Funding is subjected to SSG’s prevailing corporate policies and final approval.
  • The SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MES) is applicable for Singaporeans aged 40 years old and above for up to 90% of course fees. For more information, visit the SkillsFuture website https://www.skillsfuture.gov.sg/enhancedsubsidy.
  • SkillsFuture Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS) offers additional support for SMEs in the form of higher course fee subsidies. SMEs enjoy SkillsFuture funding of up to 90% of the course fees when they sponsor their employees to attend courses supported by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). With effect from 1 January 2022, SSG will introduce a fixed Absentee Payroll (AP) rate at $4.50 per hour, with a $100,000 cap on the maximum AP funding each organisation can claim each calendar year. For more information on ETSS and AP please refer to https://www.enterprisejobskills.gov.sg/content/upgrade-skills/course-fee-and-absentee-payroll-funding.html.
  • Singaporeans may utilize available funds within their Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) to offset total net course fee payable.
  • All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their $500 SkillsFuture Credit from the government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses. Singaporeans who qualify for SCTP can use their SkillsFuture Credit (opening and top-up) and Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support) for selected SCTP Courses to offset the NETT course fees. More information on the types of funding you are eligible or which SHATEC Courses are eligible, please either visit the SkillsFuture Credit website skillsfuture.sg/credit to choose from the courses available from the SkillsFuture Credit course directory or contact us for more enquiry.
  • NTUC members enjoy 50% unfunded course fee support for up to $250 each year when they sign up for courses supported under UTAP (Union Training Assistance Programme). NTUC members from 40 years and above enjoy up to $500 per year. For more information and terms and conditions, please refer to https://e2i.com.sg/individuals/ntuc-education-and-training-fund/.

Miscellaneous fees refer to any non-compulsory and non-standard fees which the student will pay only where applicable.  

For more information on Miscellaneous fees, please Click Here or contact enrolment@shatec.sg

Career Prospects

Our graduates are in high demand and enjoy good career prospects upon graduation. With a combination of soft skills and knowledge proficiency, SHATEC’s hospitality graduates are well equipped for the 21stcentury workforce. Our graduates become valuable assets to the organisations they are a part of.

You can look forward to rewarding and challenging careers in the following areas


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